Name: Glen A. de Castro
Organization: Independent Consultant (Program Development, Ecosystems Management, Knowledge Management)
Level of experience: Coach
Experience with the Open Standards:
- First exposure to Miradi was in Conservation International-sponsored training on Open Standards in 2016
- Participated in the CCNet 7th Conservation Coaches Network Rally in New South Wales, Australia, from April 30 to May 3, 2018.
- Used the Open Standards in developing CI-Philippines 10-Year Strategic Plan
- Used the Open Standards in developing CIP’s proposal for FISH RIGHT submitted to USAID and in other proposal developed for CIP
- Participated in the OS Coaches Training in Malaysia under the CCNet SEA Franchise

Self assessment of current level of coaching skills:
Category 1: able to coach a site team in workshop setting with trainer coach (Category 4) present: Yes
Category 2: able to coach site team independently with access to (remote) back-up: Yes
Category 3: able to coach site team and provide other coaches with (remote) back-up: No
Category 4: able to coach teams, to coach coaches, to provide training: No